Monday, May 16, 2011

Thoughts of a "wanna be" runner...

type='html'>Ok so I have started running. I'm crazy, I don't even like running! But some things must be done and so here I am, a wanna be runner. (but lets face the facts, my out of shape body can really only muster up a slow jog!)
As I was running, eh um ... jogging... this morning I thought about all the random thoughts I have while trying to keep my mind off the fact that my legs feel like lead. So, I have decided to share with you all my random thoughts. Here we go...
Why do people litter? I am disgusted by those who can throw a piece of garbage on the ground without thought. We should all be more aware of keeping the world we've been blessed to live in clean and trash free. Kudos to the sweet lady I saw with her 2 children picking up trash around a neighborhood playground this morning. And at 6:45 in the morning too!!! What a great example she is setting for them! Maybe I should bring a rubbish bag with me when I take Emma on walks and pick up trash too! (with some hand sanitizer - I am still my mothers daughter ;)
So pick up your rubbish!