Noen av bregnene er gamle og storvokste og fantes i hagen da vi flyttet hit, noen har dukket opp av seg selv, men jeg har også plantet noen få selv. Jeg liker at bregnene er en del av hagen, og kommer ikke til å gjøre noe forsøk på å fjerne dem. Jeg synes de er vakre, og gir et frodig uttrykk. De forskjellige bregnesortene er ikke helt lett å skille fra hverandre, men jeg tror de fleste her på tomta er ormetelg, samt noen få skogburkne og strutseving.
In my garden there are growing lots of ferns. Ferns are, as far as I have read, disputed as a garden plant, and many people see them as weeds. Ferns originally belong to the wood. Our garden is next to a wood, and maybe that is why so many ferns grow here.
We have some old and large ferns, growing in the garden since long before we moved here, there are some ferns that have appeared out of the blue, as well as a few ferns I have planted. I like that the ferns are a part of my garden, and I will not remove them. I find ferns beautiful, and they make the garden look lush. The different fern varieties are not always easy to tell apart, but I believe most ferns in my garden are common male ferns, in addition to a few ostrich ferns and common ladyferns.
I gamle dager var det vanlig å hente bregner i skogen og plante på hver side av inngangsdøra til pynt, og som beskyttelse mot hekser og djevler.
Bregneskudd som ruller seg ut blir ofte kalt bispestaver.
In my country ferns are often called "worm grass". Some people say that worms live under the ferns, while other people say that it is totally safe to walk among ferns because they give protection against worms.
Earlier it was common to take home ferns from the wood and plant them on each side of the entrance door to the house, for decorations and for protection against witches and devils.
Fern shoots rolling out are somtimes called "episcopal sticks".
Common Male Fern was a common medicine herb in older times, traditionally used against intestinal worms. Common Male Fern is poisonous, and should not be consumated.
Skuddene av strutseving og fjellburkne er spiselig, og ble brukt som mat bl.a av vikingene. Bregneskuddene inneholder viktige amminosyrer og er fulle av proteiner.
Ellers kan man koke bregner i vann, fjerne bladene og bruke vannet som næring til hageplanter. Roser som sprøytes med bregnevann beskyttes mot rustsopp.
Ellers kan man koke bregner i vann, fjerne bladene og bruke vannet som næring til hageplanter. Roser som sprøytes med bregnevann beskyttes mot rustsopp.
Shoots of ostrich fern and alpine ladyfern are safe to eat, and were used as food by the vikings. The shoots are rich in amino acids and proteins.
Fern leaves can be boiled in water, then removed, and the water can be used as fertilizer for garden plants. Or sprinkle fern water on the rose bushes to protect the leaves from fungus.
Hva tenker dere om bregner i hagen?
Ferns are suitable for shady and moist places, like in woodlands, by the pond and in natural gardens. Ferns can be pruned if they grow too big.
What do you think about ferns in the garden?